- Description
Wavelength: 405 (± nm)
Power: 20 (mw)
Working temperature: Tc = 25 ℃
Current: (A)
Threshold current: (mA)
Monitoring Current: (mA)
Operating voltage: 2.0 ↓ (V)
Working temperature: -10 ~ 70 ℃
Storage temperature: -40 ~ 85 ℃
Package: To-3.3 (φ3.3mm)
Lifetime: 10000 (h)
Working medium: semiconductor laser
1. Before carrying on some laser DIY activities, please read about the technical information first and protect your eyes before laser ray.
2. Be sure the operator has experience in optics DIY or testing.
3. Don't operate when the power is connected.
Note:1. only for professionals.2. duty cycle without heatsink: 5 seconds on, 1 seconds off.3. working life: testing life with heatsink.4. warranty: no warranty because laser diode is consuming material.5. datasheet: you can google a datasheet or contact me for it.6. if buyer use it for longer time without heatsink, we do not take any responsibility. - Additional Information
Additional Information
SKU 11040047 Wavelength 405nm Output 6mW-29mW - Reviews